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Choosing the Best Inpatient Kadian Rehab Centers

Morphine has long been one of the most powerful and effective opiate pain relievers known to man. The effectiveness of this drug has led researchers to look for better ways to administer it in people that need it. One resulting medication is Kadian. Kadian is a slow-release version of morphine taken in pill form.

As wonderful as this medication may be for people dealing with severe pain, it is also highly addictive. Once Kadian addiction has taken hold, it will ruin your life without some form of intervention. Fortunately, effective treatment options exist to combat the disease of Kadian addiction.

Inpatient rehab is perhaps the best option for treating this disease, but not all rehab centers are the same. When choosing the best rehab for your Kadian addiction, there are a few things to take into consideration.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient

The first thing to consider is the differences between outpatient and inpatient treatment facilities. The most obvious difference is that outpatient treatment allows you to remain at home, except for regularly scheduled appointments at a treatment facility, while inpatient treatment requires you to stay at the facility during your recovery.

This is not the only difference. Outpatient facilities perform a number of treatment procedures. This includes:

  • Behavioral therapies
  • Counseling services
  • Distribution of maintenance medication
  • Referrals to medical services and support groups

All of these things are excellent and necessary, but they are not all of the help that those recovering from Kadian addiction need. Inpatient facilities provide even more benefits, such as:

The addition of these benefits makes inpatient treatment more complete and effective than outpatient care. To find Inpatient Kadian Rehab Centers near you, call 800-430-1407Who Answers? now.

Types of Inpatient Kadian Rehab

Inpatient Kadian Rehab

Therapeutic communities provide extended treatment to young people with severe addictions.

The most common type of inpatient rehab is the standard one. These facilities are the ones you are most likely to see on television or in movies. They provide complete medical, personal, and behavioral care to their patients. The other common type of Inpatient Kadian Rehab is the therapeutic community.

Therapeutic communities offer the same treatment services as standard rehabs, but also offer more intensive training in sober living and life skills. These facilities are designed for specific groups of people, including:

These groups benefit more from extended treatment stays that may last six months, a year, or more. Therapeutic communities meet this need.

Is Inpatient Kadian Rehab Right for Me?

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, repeated use of prescription opiates creates tolerance, dependence, and may force users to seek out illegal sources to maintain their habit. This means that becoming addicted to Kadian is very easy. On the other hand, beating this addiction is incredibly difficult.

When entering into any difficult task, it is in your best interest to get help. It is further beneficial to seek out the best help that is available for your particular problem. Kadian addiction is no exception. Residential Kadian Addiction Treatment is widely believed to be the best help available for people suffering from this disease.

How Long Will I Spend in Residential Treatment?

It is nearly impossible for anyone to tell you exactly how long you must undergo residential treatment. There are many factors that influence how much treatment is needed in order to overcome an addiction to Kadian. Some of these are:

  • How long you’ve been addicted
  • How much of the drug you use
  • What, if any, co-occurring disorders you may have
  • How well you respond to certain treatment techniques
  • How complete your set of life skills is

These are but a sample of the factors that can influence how long you need to remain in an inpatient center.

What is known, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, is that treatment must last at least three months in order to stop drug use, and longer stays are more likely to be effective. This means that the most effective Inpatient Kadian Rehab Centers will require you to remain a minimum of 90 days in order to complete the treatment program.

The type of inpatient facility you choose will also influence the length of your stay. As you may recall, therapeutic communities often require patients to live at the facility for a year or more. Only professional addiction treatment specialists can determine exactly how long you will need to be treated in order to recover from Kadian addiction.

Where Can I Get Treatment for Kadian Addiction?

Now that you understand more about inpatient treatment for Kadian addiction, you need to know where to find it. Addiction treatment facilities are located all over the country. If you live in or near a major city, there is a good chance that there is an Inpatient Kadian Rehab near you.

If you do not live in a densely populated area, you may need to travel some distance to get the help that you need. However, you should not less this discourage you as your health and well-being is worth a little travel. Call 800-430-1407Who Answers? and we will help you find a treatment center near you that meets your needs.

Do I Really NEED Inpatient Kadian Rehab?

If you are serious about wanting to beat your Kadian addiction, then you need to seek treatment in an inpatient rehab. The main reason for this is withdrawal. According to the National Library of Medicine, stopping Kadian use after becoming dependent results in powerful and dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

These symptoms make stopping Kadian use without help all but impossible. The complications that may arise from them could also put our life in jeopardy. Kadian withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Excruciating bone pain and muscle cramps
  • Insomnia that lasts for days or weeks
  • Extreme sweats and chills
  • Intense cravings

These symptoms are so extreme that they make the worst flu you’ve ever had seem like the sniffles. Getting through withdrawal in a relatively comfortable and safe manner requires medical assistance. Only Residential Kadian Addiction Treatment provides this assistance along with complete addiction treatment.

Inpatient Morphine Rehab Centers

Paying for Kadian Addiction Treatment

The first thing you can do to help control costs is choose a less luxurious treatment facility. While everyone would like to stay in four star accommodations while recovering from an addiction, it is not necessary for you to heal. Nearly all Inpatient Kadian Rehab Centers offer the same treatment options and level of medical care. You lose nothing but frills in going to one that is less expensive.

Health insurance is another great way to reduce your out-of-pocket costs. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, nearly all health care plans now cover mental health and substance use disorder treatment in the same way that they cover other medical needs. This can go a long way toward helping you afford treatment.

If you do not have health insurance, or you cannot afford what insurance does not cover, you still have options. Many inpatient rehabs offer financing options, payment plans, and deferments to help make treatment more affordable. Some even charge on a sliding scale that adjusts the price based on your ability to pay. No matter what your financial situation is, there are ways to get the help that you need.

Choosing an Inpatient Kadian Treatment Program

Kadian addiction is a highly complex and individualized disease. This means that there is no treatment program that works for every person or situation. Instead, your addiction counselor and therapist will work with you to choose treatment options that best suit you.

Science has long established that all treatment programs need to include some form of behavioral therapy and counseling in order to be effective. Some common techniques that are used include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy– this seeks to identify and change thoughts and behaviors that lead to addiction
  • Individual therapy– this involves talking one-on-one with a counselor about your addiction and its impact in order to help you understand your drug use
  • Contingency management therapy– this process provides rewards for completing treatment tasks and goals in order to keep you motivated to recover
  • Family dynamic counseling– this technique has your family and friends telling you how your addiction has impacted them and allowing you to explain your reasons for using, in order to help you all support one another to prevent a recurrence

These are only a few of the possible techniques that may be used, depending on your needs and goals.

Medications may also be used to help you through your recovery. These medications are specially designed to do several things, including:

  • Reduce or eliminate withdrawal symptoms
  • Prevent relapse
  • Reduce cravings
  • Prevent or reverse overdose

The medications that do these things are very useful tools for recovering Kadian addicts, but they must be combined with behavioral therapies and counseling to be effective.

There is also a possibility that you may be able to choose what is known as an alternative treatment. These are techniques that are not necessarily recognized as medical procedures, but may work for you nonetheless. They include:

It is worth your time to look into every possible treatment option, in order to give yourself the best chance of a successful recovery. To locate an Inpatient Kadian Rehab that offers a wide range of treatment programs, call us at 800-430-1407Who Answers?.

What Happens After Rehab?

Once you have completed your stay in Residential Kadian Addiction Treatment, you will feel better than you have in years. However, it is important that you do not start believing that you are cured.

Despite much progress and research, addiction remains a chronic relapsing disease. This means that it has no known cure and it is possible for you to start using again. This fact may seem depressing, but there are a number of things you can do to prevent a relapse from occurring. These include:

  • Taking all maintenance or other medications as prescribed
  • Continuing therapy and/or counseling after leaving rehab
  • Joining a mutual support group, such as Narcotics Anonymous
  • Staying away from people, places, and activities that make you want to use again

By doing all of these things, you will greatly reduce your risk of a relapse.

Even if you do everything possible to prevent it, there is still a chance that you will experience a relapse. If this should occur, you need to get medical help immediately to avoid an overdose. You should also remember that relapse is not a failure. It simply means that you need more or different treatment.

Get Help Today

Knowing as much as you can about Inpatient Kadian Rehab Centers is great, but it will not help you end your addiction. Only you can do what is necessary to reverse the damages of this disease and take back your life. You must take the first step and ask for the help that you need. Even more importantly, you must do it today.

Every day that you put off seeking treatment, you put yourself at higher risk of serious illness or death. This says nothing of the damage that your Kadian addiction does to your loved ones, home, and employability. Seek treatment before it is too late. Get the help that you need now by calling 800-430-1407Who Answers?. Do not let yourself become just another victim of the disease of addiction.

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