Total Treatment for the Worst Withdrawal Symptoms in Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers
Withdrawal effects can be a powerful motivator for continued drug abuse. Withdrawal effects can also make it all but impossible to overcome an addiction problem.
When drug-using behaviors continue on for months or years at a time, a person stands to experience the very worst of what withdrawal can bring. For someone wanting to stop drug use, a standard 30-day treatment program is ill-equipped to treat an addiction that’s reached this stage.
Inpatient drug rehab centers provide the type of total treatment approach needed to overcome the worst withdrawal symptoms while helping you build a solid foundation in the recovery process.
Please feel free to call our toll-free helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to ask about inpatient drug rehab center programs.
The Effects of Chronic Drug Abuse
Severe Physical Withdrawal

Mental confusion and fatigue are common withdrawal symptoms.
Depending on the drug, withdrawal symptoms can take any number of forms. As the effects of most any form of drug abuse tend to breed certain similar symptoms, withdrawal symptoms most often experienced include:
- Insomnia
- Agitation
- Mental confusion
- Fatigue
- Restlessness
According to the Western Journal of Medicine, long-term drug abuse brings on the worst withdrawal symptoms in terms of severity and overall discomfort. In effect, the severity of symptoms experienced is a good indication of how the drug’s effects have impaired the brain’s overall functional capacity.
Chronic Co-Occurring Conditions
Withdrawal symptoms can become even more severe in cases where one or more chronic co-occurring conditions have developed during the course of drug abuse. Over time, chronic drug abuse causes extensive damage to brain cells and also the neurotransmitter processes these cells regulate.
These changes only work to weaken the body’s major systems, oftentimes to the point where full-blown medical problems take shape. In effect, conditions like depression, diabetes and high blood pressure make withdrawal symptoms that much worse.
The Inpatient Drug Rehab Treatment Approach
Withdrawal Symptom Treatment
In cases of severe withdrawal, inpatient drug rehab centers provide round-the-clock monitoring and supervision to ensure the safety of the patient. For people coming off opiate- or alcohol-based addictions, these programs can also administer medication therapies specifically formulated to provide relief from severe withdrawal symptoms.
According to the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services, medication therapies used include:
- Antabuse for alcohol detox
- Naltrexone for alcohol and opiate detox
- Suboxone for opiate detox
- Methadone for opiate detox
- Subutex for opiate detox
- Clonidine for opiate detox
As the physical effects of withdrawal only work to aggravate drug using urges, inpatient drug rehab programs provide ongoing emotional support and counseling throughout the detox withdrawal stage.
Treating and Stabilizing Chronic Co-Occurring Disorders
Both chronic medical and psychological disorders can make the worst withdrawal symptoms all but impossible to bear. Psychological disorders in particular, such as depression and anxiety-based conditions actually feed compulsive drug-using urges, so treating these conditions becomes essential to helping you overcome addiction.
Unlike other forms of drug treatment, inpatient drug rehab centers make it a point to treat and stabilize chronic co-occurring disorders as a part of the detox treatment process.
If you’ve been struggling with an addiction problem for a long time and other forms of treatment do little to help, please don’t hesitate to call our toll-free helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to speak with one of our addiction specialists.