10 Tips for Recovery in Inpatient Drug Rehab
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, drug addiction is a complex illness to treat. Addiction treatment must first help a person stop using drugs, as well as maintain a drug-free lifestyle once they leave the treatment program. In addition, the treatment program must help a person achieve productive functioning with their family and at work as well as in society. Drug addiction is a disease where people cannot just stop using and be cured. Drug addicts typically require long-term or repeated episodes of treatment to conquer their addictions.
Drug addiction treatment will provide a person with the resources they need to detox from their addiction, such as medication and behavioral therapy, however they cannot provide a person with the willpower to stay clean nor can they force an individual to open up or involve themselves in therapies to help them with their addiction struggle.
Below is a list of ten tips that you should live by when you are in inpatient drug rehab:

You can overcome your drug addiction with the help of an inpatient rehab!
1. Remember that this is not the end of the world and the program is meant to help you, not punish you.
2. The more you open up in therapy, the more you will get out of the therapy and the better the therapist will be able to help you.
3. The more you involve yourself in the rehab activities, the more you will learn about yourself and others and the more knowledge you will gain.
4. Inpatient drug rehab has all of the resources you need to come clean and they are there to help you, so do not be afraid to ask for help or guidance.
5. Remember that support is a huge factor to recovery and you will not look weak by opening up to people.
6. Everyone in rehab is overcoming a drug addiction and you should accept the fact that you are not alone and have people there that can give you advice and that will understand what you are going through.
7. You will not be judged at an inpatient drug rehab for your addiction, so it is one of the only places that you can completely be yourself.
8. Drug addiction takes time to overcome, so do not expect to be cured in a few days’ time, instead take the time to heal and use their resources to your benefit.
9. If you have family and friends that love and support you, include them in your recovery.
10. Join a support group once you leave the program, support is never a burden but a positive reinforcement.