8 Reasons Inpatient Drug Rehab Programs Are More Effective Than Outpatient Programs
After you’ve accepted and admitted that you have a problem with drug dependency, your next step is to identify the most effective treatment program that will help you overcome addiction.
Of the nearly 24 million people who require treatment for drug abuse, only 11 percent receive treatment at a specialty facility, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
While outpatient programs can help some individuals overcome drug dependency, inpatient drug rehab programs are often significantly more effective at helping you achieve long-term recovery.
Here are 8 reasons you should consider choosing an inpatient drug rehab program over an outpatient program.
1. No Access to Drugs
Inpatient facilities offer no access to drugs or alcohol, which means you can focus on recovering and becoming healthier without the opportunity for relapse. On the other hand, outpatient programs allow you to return home in the evening — meaning you’ll have to work harder at avoiding temptation and forming new, healthy lifestyle habits.
2. Nutritional Education

Inpatient rehab provides the opportunity to form new friendships.
Individuals overcoming substance abuse often turn to emotional eating as a way to cope with stress, which can lead to overeating, binge eating, or unhealthy food choices that can make recovery more difficult. Inpatient drug rehab programs offer nutritional assistance and education so you can learn how to choose healthy foods that can improve your overall health and assist with detox.
3. Help with Detox
Withdrawal from drug addiction is often accompanied by various symptoms that can worsen your health if not managed properly throughout the initial detox stages. For instance, symptoms triggered by heroin withdrawal include insomnia, muscle and bone pain, diarrhea, and vomiting — all of which can worsen stress levels and weaken your immune system to interfere with detox. Inpatient programs offer round-the-clock medical supervision and support to help you ease and lessen these symptoms.
4. Daily Structure
Your days will be more structured after enrolling in an inpatient drug rehab program, which helps you adjust to a life without drugs. Having a structured daily routine also helps prevent you from thinking about drugs given how much busier you’ll be. In most cases, you’ll be waking up relatively early, attending therapy sessions, and spending time engaging in therapeutic activities that will help improve your health and quality of life.
5. Lack of Negative Influences
Inpatient facilities often limit your access to people on the outside who can interfere with your recovery in a negative way, such as people who encourage or influence drug addiction. In most cases, you’ll be allowed to see visitors for a few hours per week, and have limited access to phone calls. With outpatient programs, your chances of encountering these negative influences are much higher since you’re not living at a facility.
6. 24/7 Access to Support
The staff at inpatient facilities understand how difficult the recovery journey can be, and offer 24/7 support to all patients in the form of medical care and emotional and psychological support. Most outpatient programs offer limited support after hours, while individuals at inpatient facilities live in-house and often have instant access to support.
7. More Treatment Options
Inpatient drug rehab facilities often tailor recovery programs to the individual, meaning you’ll have a variety of therapeutic treatments to choose from, based on what works best for you. For example, you can practice meditation and deep breathing to help you relax, or engage in more vigorous, active exercise programs that help promote recovery.
8. New Friendships
Inpatient programs expose you to other individuals who are also overcoming substance abuse, which allows you to bond and develop friendships with people who understand what you’re going through. Together, you and your new friends can overcome substance abuse and work together toward achieving sobriety. With outpatient programs, you might have to invest more time in avoiding toxic individuals who could pull you back into your former drug habits.
If you’re struggling with drug addiction or substance abuse, understand that you’re not alone, and that an inpatient facility can help you achieve sobriety and get your life back on track. Inpatient drug rehab programs have been proven more effective than outpatient programs at keeping patients sober long-term. Call our helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to learn more about how inpatient facilities can help you combat and overcome drug addiction.