Common Medications Used in Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers
About Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is a complex and chronic disease that will continually destroy a person’s life until the receive help for their illness. More specifically, drug addiction is a brain disease that will cause a user to compulsively think about, seek out, and use drugs. This cycle will continue and worsen as more time passes.
Drug addiction commonly leads to drug dependency, which will result in a person constantly using a drug because they will begin painful withdrawals symptoms if the drug is not in their system. Aside from the brain disease of drug addiction, these withdrawal symptoms can be scary, and many people fear going through them, so they continue to use the drug. Some drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamines, have minimal physical withdrawal symptoms; instead their withdrawal symptoms are more psychological since these drugs significantly impair a person’s brain chemicals. However, drugs of the opiate class, which are the most common illegal drugs abused aside from marijuana, have intense physical withdrawal symptoms. Heroin and prescription painkillers are two of the most common drugs that people seek out treatment for due to their withdrawal symptoms. According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, approximately 20% of the population in America abuses prescription medications. This represents approximately 48 million people in America taking prescription medication illegally.

For some drugs, addiction recovery may involve medication therapy.
Common Medications used to help Patients get through Withdrawal Symptoms
Medication can immensely help lessen physical withdrawal symptoms during drug detox. Common medications used in inpatient drug rehab centers include the following. Methadone: Methadone is used for opiate addictions such as heroin or prescription pills. Methadone will decrease withdrawal symptoms being that it acts in the same way as opiates do, but with less addictive properties. Buprenorphine: Works like methadone by having similar affects as opiates causing fewer withdrawal symptoms. Naltrexone: Works by blocking the effects of opiates in a person’s body. This drug does not help with withdrawal symptoms, but it produces a fast detox to occur. Naltrexone is also used to help treat alcohol addiction. Acamprosate: Commonly used to help treat alcohol addiction. This drug helps with withdrawal symptoms of anxiety, insomnia and mood swings. Other drugs such as anti-anxiety medications and depression medications may be prescribed to help people deal with the psychological withdrawals of their drug addiction.
The Benefits of Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers
Inpatient drug rehab centers have professionals such as doctors and psychiatrists to help a person get through their drug detox in a safe and secure manner. A patient at an inpatient drug rehab center will have all of the resources they need to conquer their drug addiction and they will have 24/7 care to ensure that they are safe and have help whenever they need it.