Mesa Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers
Free Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers
Addiction treatment in Mesa, AZ helps you stop using drugs and alcohol using therapies aimed at addressing both the physical and psychological causes of addiction. Inpatient drug rehab in Mesa treats addiction to nearly any drug or substance, including alcohol, methadone, and mescaline.
If you or someone you love is suffering from addiction, call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to learn more about inpatient drug rehab centers in Mesa dedicated to guiding recovering addicts like you along the path to lifelong sobriety.
Suite 19
Mesa, AZ 85201
Suite F-1
Mesa, AZ 85203
Suite A
Mesa, AZ 85203
How to Choose the Best Inpatient Drug Rehab in Mesa, AZ
The best inpatient drug rehab centers in Mesa will tailor and customize addiction treatments just for you based on your unique history and struggle with addiction. Choose a drug rehab center that offers detoxification, counseling, and aftercare programs. These treatments are designed to help you overcome addiction as a whole and avoid relapse for life following rehab.
Other factors to consider when choosing an inpatient drug rehab center include location, accommodations, and treatment types. For example, if your goal is to withdraw from alcohol and drugs without experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms, choose a rehab center that offers medications that eliminate or reduce these symptoms. Likewise, if your goal is to stay near friends and family, choose a rehab center located in or near Mesa.
How Long Does Addiction Treatment Take?
Addiction treatment in Mesa can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, based on how long it takes you to fully overcome addiction. If you’re suffering a mild addiction and want to get back to work and family as soon as possible, choose a short 14 or 30-day rehab program. If you’ve been dealing with addiction for many years, or have already tried addiction treatment in the past, choose a longer program of 60 days or more.
In most cases, your physician and medical staff at rehab will recommend a program length for you based on your addiction type, addiction status, and personal history with addiction.
Long-Term Inpatient Drug Rehab in Mesa, Arizona
Long-term inpatient rehab programs in Mesa allow you to recover from addiction on your own time at a pace that’s most comfortable for you. Long-term rehab programs are effective at helping you establish a new healthy daily routine and lifestyle with no room for drugs or alcohol. Most long-term inpatient drug rehab programs last either 120 or 180 days, but can be extended as needed based on your personal recovery needs.
Paying for Drug Rehab
Addiction treatment in Mesa can be made affordable for nearly anyone regardless of income level. Inpatient drug rehab centers accept most health insurance plans, and offer sliding scale payment methods to accommodate those with lower income. Some drug rehab centers in Mesa even offer free or low-cost addiction treatment to qualifying individuals on behalf of private and state funding.
Find a Rehab Center in Mesa
We understand how difficult it can be to find an inpatient drug rehab center in Mesa while you’re also suffering from addiction. Use our comprehensive drug rehab directory to find addiction treatments in Mesa and neighboring Arizona cities. Our caring drug abuse counselors are also available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have about going to rehab, or about various addiction treatments.
If you’re suffering from addiction, understand you don’t have to be alone in your fight to get clean. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to learn more about inpatient drug rehab centers in Mesa devoted to helping you achieve lifelong sobriety and turn your life around for the better.