Is Free Inpatient Rehab Really an Option?
Inpatient rehab centers are often the best treatment option for individuals who struggle with substance abuse. But since financial problems and substance abuse often go hand-in-hand, many addicts are unable to pay for addiction treatment, and struggle with ongoing relapses. Fortunately, most states offer free inpatient rehab programs to support addicts who are devoted to becoming healthier, clean, and sober.
If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction and cannot afford rehab treatment, call our 24/7 helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to discuss your rehab options. Our caring drug abuse counselors will help you or your loved one find affordable rehab centers that specialize in treating your addiction type.
State-Funded Rehab Centers
Many states offer free inpatient rehab to qualifying addicts based on criteria such as income, disabilities, and the severity of the addiction. For instance, veterans who suffer from alcohol abuse and post-traumatic stress disorder may qualify for free treatment at inpatient rehab centers that treat co-occurring disorders. Pregnant women who struggle with addiction also often qualify for free inpatient rehab treatment at state-funded facilities.
Addicts can find out whether they qualify for free state-funded rehab treatment by contacting their state’s division of substance abuse services or department of behavioral health. This information is available in the state rehab directory on the website for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Faith-Based Rehab Centers

Most faith-based rehab programs are free.
Many faith-based groups offer inpatient rehab programs that revolve around specific faith traditions. Those who struggle with addiction can ask their churches or spiritual leaders about their options for free inpatient addiction programs, and be connected with organizations that can help.
Healthcare Insurance Providers
Some health insurance policies, such as those available through Medicaid, offer free inpatient rehab services for addiction and other behavioral health conditions. Members can contact their health insurance providers and ask about their options for free rehab. Providers that do not offer full coverage for inpatient rehab may still pay for the majority of treatment costs.
Employer Benefits
Some companies and workplaces offer free substance abuse treatments to employees as part of their benefits package. Those suffering from addiction can consult with the human resources department at their business to learn more about whether these benefits exist, and about whether inpatient rehab is available. In most cases, human resources staff is required to keep your inquiries about rehab treatment confidential.
Friends and Family Members
Sometimes, friends and family members are willing to cover the costs of inpatient rehab treatment to help their loved ones overcome addiction and substance abuse. Individuals who do not qualify for free inpatient rehab programs can have serious discussions with friends and family about their struggles with addiction, and ask for help. Even friends and family who lack the financial resources needed are willing to help their loved ones find the support they need to become healthier and addiction-free.
If you’re struggling with substance abuse and need free or low-cost rehab treatment, call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers?. Our caring drug abuse counselors will discuss your rehab options, and help you find free inpatient rehab programs in your area.