Glendale Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers
Free Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers
Addiction treatment in Glendale, AZ helps you overcome physical dependency on drugs and alcohol, as well as psychological causes of addiction such as depression and anxiety. Inpatient drug rehab in Glendale treats addiction to nearly any substance, including methamphetamine, ecstasy, and LSD.
If you’re suffering from addiction and need help, call our 24/7 confidential hotline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to consult with an experienced drug abuse counselor about your inpatient drug rehab options.
Suites K-L
Glendale, AZ 85301
Suite 5
Glendale, AZ 85301
How to Choose the Best Inpatient Drug Rehab in Glendale, AZ
The best inpatient drug rehab centers are those that treat addiction as a whole both physically and mentally. Choose a rehab center that offers detox, counseling, and aftercare programs. Detox helps you withdraw from alcohol and drugs, while counseling and aftercare treat underlying causes of addiction and teach strategies for avoiding relapse on an ongoing basis.
Other factors to consider when choosing an inpatient drug rehab center are cost, location, and accommodations, to name a few. If you’re concerned about experiencing drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms after quitting, choose a rehab center that offers therapies that reduce or eliminate these unpleasant symptoms.
If you’re intent on staying near supportive friends and loved ones, choose a rehab center near your home in Glendale.
How Long Does Addiction Treatment Take?
The length of addiction treatment depends mainly on how long it takes you or your loved one to successfully overcome addiction. Addiction treatment can last anywhere between a few weeks and several months based on your progress, and on your motivation to get clean and stay sober.
For instance, choose a short-term program of 30 days if you’ve been suffering a mild addiction, or a longer program of 90 days or more to overcome a severe battle with addiction.
If you’re not sure which program length is ideal for you, ask your physician at rehab for a professional recommendation at the time of intake and assessment.
Long-Term Inpatient Drug Rehab in Glendale, Arizona
If you’d prefer to overcome drug addiction at your own comfortable pace, choose a long-term inpatient drug rehab in Glendale that offers programs of 120 days and longer. Long-term rehab programs are ideal for those who have attempted addiction treatment in the past, or who must overcome severe, years-long battles with addiction.
Going to long-term inpatient rehab allows you to discover new hobbies that replace drug use, and helps you establish a new daily routine with no room for drugs and alcohol.
Paying for Drug Rehab
The cost of addiction treatment in Glendale varies depending on the location, treatments, and accommodations offered at any given rehab center. Most inpatient rehab centers accept health insurance, and offer sliding scale payment methods to make addiction treatment affordable for nearly anyone regardless of income status.
Rehab centers funded privately or by the state of Arizona may offer free or low-cost addiction treatment to qualifying individuals based on criteria such as gender, age, and pregnancy.
Find a Rehab Center in Glendale
Use our easy-to-use inpatient drug rehab directory to explore local rehab centers in Glendale and neighboring Arizona cities. Our experienced addiction treatment counselors are also on standby 24/7 to answer any questions you may have about local rehab centers and their services.
Our goal is to provide you with all the information and resources you need to overcome addiction and get back to living a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life free of drug and alcohol use.
Don’t try to overcome addiction on your own without getting help. Call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to discuss your options for addiction treatments and inpatient drug rehab centers in Glendale devoted to helping you or your loved one overcome lifelong sobriety.