Tips for Dealing with Social Isolation During Inpatient Rehab
During inpatient care, you are away from your friends and your family. One of the many causes of drug and alcohol abuse is the social isolation that comes with it. This isolation does not go away just because you entered an inpatient rehab facility. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, social isolation and social anxiety are large factors in recovery and relapse. Fortunately, there are a number of things that you can do to deal with social isolation during your treatment.
Talk to the Staff
There are counselors and staff members for you to talk to 24 hours a day at an inpatient rehab center. The staff is your first line of defense against the isolation of inpatient rehab. They can help you learn the different activities and help you through the rough spots. Most of the staff are trained in dealing with situations like this. Isolation in inpatient rehab is a common occurrence especially during the first phases of rehab when anxiety and depression are at their worst.
Join in a Group

Social isolation and anxiety are major relapse triggers.
If you are feeling lonely, there are many groups that you can join in inpatient rehab. There is at least one required therapy group but there are more than just therapy groups. Many rehabs offer a variety of different groups such as art and music therapy groups, learning collectives, and other project groups. If you are in a smaller inpatient facility, the whole facility might be a group in itself.
Talk to those Around you
Making friends might be hard for you, particularly if you suffer from social anxiety. By sharing stories with others and talking to them individually, while you engage in the activities that the treatment center provides, you can alleviate some of the loneliness and isolation you feel in a comfortable environment.
This will help you on two fronts. It helps to confront social anxiety and the best way to do that is to be around people. During inpatient treatment you will have to talk to people, you might even have a roommate. You will be talking to people who have the same issues as you do.
Call your Family and Friends
Talking to your family and friends can also help with isolation while you are in inpatient treatment. Even if your relationships are strained, it can help to just say hello and know how your friends and family are doing. Most of the people you talk to will be supportive of your treatment regardless of the problems you had before.
You can also engage in family and relationship therapy. Many inpatient rehab centers have offer family counseling as well as days where friends and family can visit you in the treatment center. Depending on how long you are there, some will also offer weekend or nightly furloughs for special occasions and overnight visits.
For more information about the services inpatient rehabs offer that help with isolation, social anxiety, and drug use, call 800-430-1407Who Answers?. We can help you with finding the treatment center that is right for you.