Do Methamphetamine Abusers Need Inpatient Care?
Not all methamphetamine abusers are alike, and as such, each one requires their own individualized treatment program. However, inpatient care can often be a beneficial option for those who abuse this particular drug. If you need treatment for methamphetamine addiction, call 800-430-1407Who Answers? now to be matched with a program that will suit your needs.
Different Patients, Different Treatments
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Treatment varies depending on the type of drug and the characteristics of the patients.”
Therefore, the drug itself is not the only variable that affects the treatment program an individual will require. It is important that all the person’s needs, even those that do not directly relate to their addiction, are taken into account for them to find the right treatment option.
However, methamphetamine abuse in particular creates serious issues in those who practice it that can sometimes only be treated safely in inpatient care. As such, if you have been abusing this drug, it could be extremely beneficial to at least consider choosing this type of treatment program.
Benefits of Inpatient Care for Methamphetamine Abusers

Meth users with co-occurring mental disorders require inpatient care.
Inpatient care can be very helpful to methamphetamine addicts. For one reason, an individual can stay in a controlled environment where they will not have any temptations that may cause them to turn back to substance abuse.
Although there are short-term residential programs, long-term care centers can keep patients in a controlled environment for the duration of their more severe withdrawal symptoms and allow them to learn how to manage any effects of their meth abuse before they have to do it on their own (NIDA).
Other ways inpatient programs can help meth abusers include:
- Providing safe and beneficial care for individuals with co-occurring mental disorders, something that is very common among long-time meth abusers, as psychosis, depression, and anxiety are all associated with this syndrome (NIDA)
- Providing 24-hour medical care to patients who need it, which is especially beneficial for meth users because the psychological and physical side effects of this type of drug abuse can be devastating
- Resocialization, which is a term for the way in which patients’ attitudes and beliefs toward their substance abuse are changed by the socialization they receive from their doctors, nurses, counselors, other patients, and anyone else at the facility (as they will all want to help the individual succeed in their recovery)
- Providing a safe place for patients to receive treatment and recover, as meth is a hardcore illicit substance, and many of the individuals who abuse it are also often struggling with other dangerous circumstances in their lives
Although not every individual who abuses methamphetamine will require inpatient care, this option has been found to be helpful for a large number of individuals. Meth causes severe side effects when abused, and the addiction syndrome associated with it is devastating and extremely difficult to overcome.
In many instances, inpatient care is the right amount of intensity in order to help patients stay in treatment long enough to create a strong recovery (which is extremely important, according to the NIDA).
Do I Need Inpatient Treatment for My Methamphetamine Addiction?
You may or may not need inpatient treatment for your methamphetamine addiction, as this need will depend largely on your particular situation. It is important to seek a doctor’s opinion on whether or not this program could be helpful to you, but you can also look for certain aspects in your situation that might point to this need.
- Are you suffering from a comorbid mental disorder in addition to your addiction?
- Are you lacking a strong social support system at home to help you deal with your recovery?
- Is your home life not conducive to recovery, or do you feel unsafe?
- Are you suffering from any severe medical issues associated with your meth abuse?
- Do you feel that you will not be able to control yourself if tempted to abuse meth?
If you answered yes to these questions, an inpatient rehab center and the treatment it will provide could be more beneficial to your needs than another type of program.
Seek Help Today
Let us help you make a change in your life, and put an end to your methamphetamine abuse. Call 800-430-1407Who Answers? now to find the best rehab center for your particular situation and to start the journey of recovery as soon as possible.