Phoenix Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers
Free Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers
Addiction treatment in Phoenix, AZ helps you overcome addiction physically and psychologically so you can leave rehab feeling healthier, happier, and ready to resume life without turning to drugs and alcohol. Inpatient drug rehab in Phoenix treats addiction to alcohol and nearly any substance, including PCP, marijuana, and oxycodone.
If you’re struggling with addiction and live in Phoenix, call our 24/7 confidential helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to learn more about local inpatient drug rehab centers and addiction treatment options.
Suite B
Phoenix, AZ 85006
Building C
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phoenix, AZ 85006
Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Suite 620
Phoenix, AZ 85012
Phoenix, AZ 85008
How to Choose the Best Inpatient Drug Rehab in Phoenix, AZ
Choose an inpatient drug rehab center in Phoenix that helps you overcome addiction as a whole using detoxification, counseling, and aftercare. Detox helps you overcome physical dependency on alcohol and substances, while counseling addresses destructive behavior and other root causes of addiction such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. Aftercare programs offer support groups and ongoing education aimed at helping you or your loved one stay sober indefinitely following rehab.
Also, choose an inpatient rehab center that customizes addiction treatments especially for you or your loved one. Each person’s struggle with addiction is unique, and should be addressed accordingly based on your addiction type, addiction status, and addiction history.
How Long Does Addiction Treatment Take?
Addiction treatment in Phoenix can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months, based on how long it takes you to fully overcome addiction. Short-term programs of 14, 30, and 45 days are available for those who cope with a mild addiction, while longer programs of 60 days and up are available for those coping with a severe, long-time addiction.
Ask your doctor at rehab about the ideal program length for you based on your unique, individual struggle with addiction.
Long-Term Inpatient Drug Rehab in Phoenix, Arizona
A top benefit to seeking long-term addiction treatment is being able to overcome addiction at your own comfortable pace. Long-term rehab programs last a minimum of 120 days, and are highly effective at helping those who tried going to rehab in the past, or who struggled with addiction for an extended period of time.
Most long-term rehab centers offer traditional therapies including detox, counseling, and aftercare, and help you establish a new healthy daily routine free of drugs and alcohol.
Paying for Drug Rehab
Going to inpatient drug rehab in Phoenix is more affordable than ever on behalf of sliding scale payment methods available at many treatment centers. Most Phoenix rehab centers accept health insurance, and can discuss alternate payment options with those unable to pay for treatment in full. Some inpatient drug rehab centers are even funded privately or by the state, and offer free or low-cost addiction treatment to qualifying individuals.
Find a Rehab Center in Phoenix
Use our drug rehab directory to search for and explore inpatient rehab centers in Phoenix and neighboring Arizona cities. Our caring and experienced drug abuse counselors are available 24/7 to help you find inpatient drug rehab centers, and to answer any questions you may have about addiction treatment. We’ll provide you with all the resources you need to successfully combat addiction and return to living a happier, more fulfilling life without drugs and alcohol.
Are you suffering from addiction and aren’t sure where to turn for help? Call our experienced addiction specialists at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to learn more about your options for Phoenix drug rehab centers. We’re available 24/7 to answer your questions about drug rehab and addiction, and to help you achieve lifelong sobriety.