Inpatient Lorcet Addiction Treatment Centers
Lorcet addictions are yet another offshoot of the opiate addiction epidemic sweeping the nation. Lorcet, a prescription opiate comparable to morphine in potency, carries a high potential for abuse and addiction.
Someone who engages in frequent, ongoing Lorcet abuse over the course of months or years will likely require the level of treatment provided by an inpatient Lorcet addiction treatment center in order to overcome the effects of this drug in his or her life.
Inpatient Lorcet addiction treatment centers specialize in treating worst-case scenarios in terms of the degree of damage a long-term Lorcet addiction can cause in a person’s life. These programs can also vary in treatment length with different programs addressing different stages of the recovery process.
Lorcet Addictions

Inpatient program lengths run anywhere from 30 to 90 days.
Lorcet, the brand name for a drug that combines hydrocodone with acetaminophen, belongs to the opiate class of prescription drugs, all of which carry a high potential for addiction. Hydrocodone, the principal opiate ingredient in Lorcet acts as a central nervous system depressant that produces cumulative effects when taken for long periods of time.
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, Lorcet addiction develops out of the damaging effects of this drug on the brain’s chemical processes. These effects predispose users to increasing tolerance levels, physical dependence and compulsive drug-using behaviors over time. Inpatient Lorcet addiction treatment centers treat the most serious of addiction cases as individuals who’ve reached this point tend to require a comprehensive treatment approach.
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The Role of Inpatient Lorcet Addiction Treatment Centers
Drug treatment programs vary in the level of care they provide, with each level designed to address different stages and severities of addiction. Inpatient Lorcet addiction treatment centers sit on the far side of a treatment continuum that goes from most intensive to least intensive, according to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration.
Inpatient programs offer the most intensive level of treatment care. Subsequently, inpatient treatment centers only accept patients affected by one or more of the following conditions:
- Lorcet addiction coupled with a psychological disorder, such as depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder
- Severe withdrawal symptoms, such as delirium or respiratory distress
- Chronic or acute medical problems
- Multiple failed attempts at drug treatment in the past
- Overdose episodes
Program Durations
Program durations for inpatient Lorcet addiction treatment centers can vary depending on the stage or stages of addiction treated at any one facility. In general, program lengths may run for 30-, 60- or 90 days in duration.
Thirty-day programs mainly deal with the detox stage of recovery as well as treating any medical conditions that developed as a result of chronic drug use. Sixty-day programs may also cover the detox stage in addition to providing behavioral treatment interventions, such as:
- Psychotherapy
- Support group sessions
- Group therapy
- Drug education and counseling
Ninety-day programs provide the same types of services as 60-day facilities only the behavioral treatment component is more extensive in terms of enabling residents to develop the types of daily habits that promote continued abstinence from drug use.
If you or someone you know are considering Lorcet addiction treatment center care and have more questions, or need help finding a program that meets your needs, please feel free to call our toll-free helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to speak with one of our addiction specialists.