5 Signs that Inpatient Alcohol Rehab is Right for You
Chronic alcoholism causes considerably more damage than meets the eye. On top of the negative consequences that result from alcohol abuse, the effects had on the mind and body only work to aggravate an already out-of-control drinking problem.
While traditional 28-day rehab programs do a good job at helping you develop drug-free ways of coping with everyday life, these programs do little to address the degree of damage that chronic alcoholism leaves behind. According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism, inpatient alcohol rehab programs specifically address any and all conditions that contribute to compulsive drinking and ultimately restore the mind and body back to a healthy state of being.
Knowing what signs to look out for can go a long way towards helping you get the level of care needed to overcome alcohol’s effects in your life. If you or someone you know are considering inpatient alcohol rehab and need more information on available treatment options, please feel free to call our toll-free helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to speak with one of our phone counselors.
Signs You Need Inpatient Alcohol Rehab
1. Inability to Stop Drinking

If you need alcohol to cope with daily life, it’s time to seek help.
After so many months or years of alcohol abuse, the brain’s neural network has changed to accommodate the effects of alcohol. Under these conditions, stopping alcohol use becomes a losing battle as the brain can no longer function normally without it.
According to the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, inpatient alcohol rehab programs can administer medication therapies, such as disulfiram and acamprosate to help restore brain functioning back to normal.
2. Chronic Medical Problems
Alcohol’s damaging effects on the brain and body create conditions where serious medical problems, such as liver disease and diabetes can develop. When left untreated, these conditions increase the risk of relapse in recovery.
Inpatient alcohol rehab programs include comprehensive medical treatment as part of their overall treatment approach.
3. Psychological Disorder
Conditions like depression and anxiety develop out of growing chemical imbalances in the brain. Alcohol’s effects interfere with the brain’s chemical processes creating prime conditions for psychological disorders to develop.
Since chronic alcohol abuse naturally breeds psychological dysfunction, inpatient programs have ample experience in treating mental health problems.
Do Alcohol Inpatient Treatment Programs Use Medication-Based Therapies?
4. Inability to Cope with Daily Life without Alcohol
Once alcohol addiction takes hold, a person has come to believe that he or she can’t cope with everyday pressures in the absence of alcohol’s effects. In effect, this belief system assigns alcohol top priority in a person’s daily life.
Inpatient rehab programs help you replace alcohol-based thinking and behavior with the type of healthy coping skills that make long-term sobriety possible.
5. Past Failed Attempts at Treatment
If you’ve attempted alcohol rehab one or more times in the past and still struggle with compulsive drinking, this is a good indicator that a more intensive level of treatment is needed. As inpatient programs treat both the physical and psychological aftereffects of chronic drinking, these programs are best equipped to help you over come alcoholism once and for all.
If two or more of the above signs are present in your life, you may want to seriously consider seeking out inpatient alcohol rehab treatment. If you need help finding a program that meets your needs, please don’t hesitate to call our toll-free helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers?.