Inpatient Drug Rehab Programs Support Long Term Recovery
Inpatient drug rehab programs aren’t just for the rich and famous. Studies confirm that a stay in a dedicated rehab facility provides the best outcome for recovery from substances ranging from prescription medications to street drugs such as heroin. Inpatient, or residential, rehab programs provide round the clock, professional support and an environment for focusing completely on the work of recovery.
Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab?
People who want to end their dependence on drugs and alcohol can get help from either outpatient or inpatient treatment programs. Outpatient rehab programs allow participants to carry on with their daily lives while they get counseling, go to support groups and perhaps follow a medication protocol such as methadone.
These programs can also offer a second stage of recovery support after detox or even a stay in an inpatient facility. But statistics on drug use, recovery and relapse reveal that more people relapse during or after outpatient rehab than those who complete a residential program.

Inpatient rehab facilities offer exercise programs.
Inpatient programs can be as short as a couple of weeks, or last up to 90 days. Because these programs offer focused support throughout recovery and a calm environment focused entirely on recovery, they improve overall recovery rates and reduce the incidence of relapse, as well as other addiction related problems such as arrest, illegal activity and accidents.
Professional Services for Detox and Recovery
Inpatient drug rehab programs are comprehensive and aimed at supporting each individual during all stages of the recovery process. Although many dedicated detox facilities help people withdraw from drugs before starting a treatment program, most inpatient rehab facilities include detox as part of the overall program.
During detox and beyond, participants have round the clock support and monitoring by professionals trained in addiction issues. For some people, the period of withdrawal requires only minimal support.
But for those with severe addictions to substances such as alcohol and heroin, withdrawal can have serious and potentially life-threatening symptoms. In an inpatient rehab that offers a full spectrum of care, medical professionals are available at all times.
Depending on the facility, counselors and therapists are either always on staff or available on call. During recovery, these specialists provide one on one and group counseling to help participants build a framework for long-term recovery. And there’s always support staff on hand, night or day.
A Distraction Free Environment
A stay in an inpatient treatment facility can offer a much-needed break from the stresses of daily life and the circumstances that trigger drug use. People who participate in outpatient rehab programs have to add program obligations onto work and family situations that are often chaotic and contribute to the addiction. But in an inpatient program, participants are able to focus entirely on their recovery, free of the distractions of daily life.
Inpatient rehab offers a chance to reflect and gain perspective with the help of addiction counselors and therapists. When every aspect of the program is aimed at resolving addiction issues, it’s easier to stay focused and build a foundation for returning to “real life” and the challenges it poses.
Healing the Whole Person
Because time is limited, outpatient rehab programs have to target addiction-specific issues. But inpatient programs can provide a place for addressing ways in which drug use impacts other areas of life, too. A month or more of healthy foods, restful sleep and even activities like art and exercise can help to heal a body and mind damaged by the effects of addiction.
Inpatient drug rehab programs aren’t right for everyone – but they offer the services and support most people need to get on the road to recovery and stay there.
If you’re interested in learning more about inpatient rehab, we’re here for you. Contact us at 800-430-1407Who Answers? and we’ll help you find the solutions that are right for you.