10 Reasons Live in Drug Rehab Centers are the Right Choice
1. Severity of Situation
According to the NIDA, “Residential treatment programs can… be very effective, especially for those with more severe problems.” Someone who has a less severe addiction, fewer emotional problems, or fewer other issues may choose to attend outpatient rehab, but a person in a more intense or life-threatening situation may need inpatient treatment in order to work out all the problems they are having and be removed from some elements of their day-to-day life.
2. Comorbidity
Comorbidity is extremely common among those who struggle with substance addiction. According to the NIDA, “The term ‘comorbidity’ describes two or more disorders or illnesses occurring in the same person… Comorbidity also implies interactions between the illnesses that can worsen the course of both.” Many individuals who struggle with drug addiction have also been found to have other mental disorders as well including:
- Depression
- Bipolar disorder
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Schizophrenia
Any of these disorders can exacerbate addiction in an individual and vice-versa. If a person attends a live in drug rehab facility, they will be able to be treated for both disorders while being closely monitored by medical professionals 24 hours a day.
3. Physical Treatment
For someone who has become addicted to a substance like heroin, alcohol, or others, there is a possibility that their withdrawal can be physically draining and even dangerous. For other individuals, heroin abuse as well as other drugs like cocaine, MDMA, and PCP can lead to extreme physical issues that call for necessary treatment, the type that would be received by an individual in hospitalization. In this case, inpatient treatment is necessary as it allows patients to be treated for any physical conditions as well as psychological and patients are under 24-hour care like they would be in the hospital.
4. Safety
Some individuals who are attempting to go through rehab are not in a safe situation at home. They may have other people trying to stop them from receiving treatment for one reason or another and do not want them to get better, and some individuals are in bad or dangerous relationships with people who are abusive to them. In this type of situation, live in rehab is especially beneficial because people who are trying to recover may need a certain level of protection or a safe place that they can go in order to become better in many ways.
5. Specialized Treatment Options

Free rehab centers offer specialized treatment like yoga.
Many outpatient centers provide specialized treatment options to each patient, but live in drug rehab centers are more inclined to provide extra options and more help to patients who might benefit from treatments beyond the usual medications and therapies. Many inpatient treatment centers offer holistic treatments like:
- Yoga
- Tai Chi
- Exercise classes
- Nature walks
- Nutritional classes
- Arts and crafts
- Resume workshops
- Vocational guidance
- Art and music therapy
Because live in drug rehab centers often cost a little more, they also provide more treatment opportunities for patients which could mean more possibilities for a personalized recovery, especially for those who may benefit from holistic treatments.
Resocialization is a treatment concept that many live in drug rehab centers use to help strengthen patients’ recoveries. According to the NIDA, “TCs [therapeutic communities and a type of inpatient rehab program] focus on the ‘resocialization’ of the individual and use the program’s entire community––including other residents, staff, and the social context––as active components of treatment.” This is a wonderful and particularly helpful treatment type that gets all individuals at a facility involved in each resident’s personal recovery, strengthening it through the community experience.
7. Weak Support System
According to a study from the NCBI, “Patients with… a poor social support system are predicted to have a better outcome in inpatient treatment.” This is partially because of the resocialization model but also because patients who do not have that strong support system at home are in more danger of experiencing relapse and feelings of depression, loneliness, or other problems. Because they will not have friends and family to encourage them and remind them that they are doing the right thing, recovery will be extremely difficult. Live in drug rehab centers help avoid the temptation for relapse in these individuals and surround them with people who do care.
8. Preserving Treatment Length
The NIDA states, “Research has shown unequivocally that good outcomes are contingent on adequate treatment length.” With live in drug rehab, patients often have a set time that they should stay in the facility, and it can be easier for them to reach this point than in outpatient treatment. For some, treatment may seem unnecessary after a while or too difficult and with outpatient treatment, it is much easier to walk away. However, with inpatient treatment, much more work must be done in order to leave treatment early and patients will likely be advised against it by their caregivers.
9. Transitioning into Outpatient Treatment
Those patients who start in live in drug rehab centers often transition into an outpatient drug rehab center afterward. This can often strengthen their recoveries and make it easier for them to continue with their rehabilitation even after their first stage of treatment is over. In many cases, this can be particularly effective as some patients who finish the initial round of treatment feel that they are cured; it is very important to remember that recovery is an ongoing process and transitioning from inpatient to outpatient treatment can help with that.
10. Reflection
Being in a live in drug rehab center will give a patient time for reflection. As we go about our day-to-day lives, we can often become bogged down in the many things that we need to do. But attending a treatment center where the focus is primarily on a patient’s recovery and well-being will allow them to focus more on these issues and reflect on how best to work on them. Live in drug rehab centers allow their patients to truly think about their needs, both related and unrelated to their drug abuse, and find ways to better themselves in and after treatment.