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Things you are Not Allowed to do in Inpatient Rehab

When you enter inpatient rehab, there is a large emphasis on what you cannot bring into the rehab facility but not much is ever mentioned about what you are and are not allowed to do while you are there. Some of these rules are extremely obvious but need to be stated anyway while there are others that you would not expect. When you enter rehab, you are given a sheet of rights, responsibilities, and rules to sign. It is important to pay attention to what is and is not allowed because breaking the rules can get you kicked out.

No Drinking or Using Drugs is Allowed

This is an obvious one and one that most people already understand. You are there to get clean and stay clean so this just makes sense. In fact, most things that might contain drugs or alcohol are either tightly regulated or otherwise confiscated upon arrival to the facility. This does not mean that people do not sneak things in. If you are caught with this type of contraband they will ask you to leave the facility or if it is court ordered they might even call the police.

No Personal Relationships with Staff

inpatient drug rehab

Once in rehab, participation is mandatory.

Again this is another obvious one but one that is considerably harder to control. When you are around people and working closely with them it is difficult to draw a line where friendship ends and a relationship begins. Most staff members are trained in this so it is rare that relationships between staff and client develop.

No Personal Relationships with other Clients

Although this is strictly forbidden, it does not stop it from happening. When people are sharing their intimate thoughts and feelings it is difficult not to develop relationships like this. According to the National Library of Medicine, relationships with a drug user is usually strained. When someone is in recovery, relationships are strongly discouraged because people in recovery are known to be emotionally unstable.

Almost all recovery centers forbid forming relationships beyond friendships. Most people are not emotional stable enough to form lasting relationships with on an another during recovery.

No Violence or Violent Behavior

.This should be obvious to most but since drug withdrawal is often accompanied by violent behavior, it needs to be among the rules. Violence towards staff or other patients is strictly forbidden and can get you removed from rehab and possibly charged with a crime.

No Decisions Not to Participate

Although it seems as if participation is voluntary in most of the literature and in sessions, participation is usually in part mandatory. Most people participate because it is one of the only things that you have to do to avoid boredom but participation is mandatory particularly if the facility is one that accepts rehab instead of jail time.

If you do not participate at all you risk expulsion from the facility and the program. Although no one participates in all of the activities, medical visits, group counseling, and individual counseling is usually mandatory.

For more information on what is and is not allowed in inpatient rehab, give us a call at 800-430-1407Who Answers?.

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