Why Choose Inpatient Drug Rehab?
Outpatient detox and rehab? Inpatient detox followed by an intensive outpatient program? A month or more of inpatient rehab? There’s no question why it’s important to get treatment for substance abuse, but the question of how to do that can be tougher, given the many available rehab options.
Although outpatient rehab programs have many benefits, studies reveal that people who choose inpatient rehab have a far higher rate of completing the program and of long-term recovery.
Outpatient Rehab: A Mix and Match Approach
Outpatient rehab programs come in many forms. Depending on the kind and severity of the addiction, outpatient treatment may consist mainly of counseling, therapy and peer support. It may involve an intensive short-term program following an inpatient detox. It could also provide outpatient detox under medical supervision, counseling and even medical maintenance with drugs such as methadone.
What all these variations have in common, though, is that they allow participants to work on recovery from the comfort of their own homes. Outpatient programs allow participants to keep up with work and family obligations and maintain daily routines while they deal with addiction and recovery, and that can have important psychological benefits. What’s more, outpatient treatment programs are typically open-ended – they can continue as long as necessary, even for years.
Benefits Can Become Liabilities

Inpatient rehab takes you away from the stresses of daily life.
But those benefits of outpatient drug rehabs can also be liabilities. Participants in these kinds of programs have to deal with the obligations of attending meetings and appointments and working on recovery issues while also dealing with the demands of daily life. That can cause extra stress and the possibility of dropping out of the program.
Although being able to keep up routines and relationships while going through rehab can contribute to recovery, it can also have the opposite effect. If a person in recovery is surrounded by the same circumstances and people that are associated with the addiction, relapse becomes far more likely. The often chaotic life associated with addiction can make it difficult, if not impossible, to concentrate on working toward recovery.
Inpatient Rehab: A Focus on Recovery
Inpatient rehab programs remove those distractions and give people struggling with addictions a calm and supportive environment for getting some perspective and working on the issues that contribute to the addiction.
Outpatient programs typically work from individualized treatment plans that pull together services of different kinds such as detox, therapy and peer support. But residential treatment programs concentrate all those services in one comprehensive package designed to support recovery on every level.
Although people can go into an inpatient treatment program after completing detox in another facility, residential rehabs offer detox too, with full medical supervision and crisis care for people experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms. Counselors, therapists and staff trained in addiction issues are also on-site to keep participants focused on recovery without the distractions and stresses of daily life.
Support for Body and Mind
Inpatient rehab also helps the body’s recovery from substance abuse. Lives controlled by addictions can be chaotic, making it easy to neglect self-care and skip eating healthy foods. Since room and meals are a part of the rehab package, participants have a chance to establish regular routines, eat nutritiously and get better sleep – all ways to heal the body from damage done by drugs.
The structured environment, round the clock support and sustained focus on recovery offered by inpatient rehab programs pays dividends in many ways.
Research on the success rates of rehab treatments reveals that people in residential rehabs are 81% more likely to complete the program than those in outpatient programs, and the rate of post-rehab relapses is only one-fourth that of outpatient rehab.
Depending on your circumstances, outpatient rehab may be the best choice for you – but residential treatment can set your feet more firmly on the road to recovery. If you’d like to learn more about rehab options, we’re here to help. Contact us at 800-430-1407Who Answers? to find the solutions that are right for you.