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Inpatient Drug Rehab for Crack Cocaine Addiction

Crack cocaine abuse leads very quickly to addiction, and often, inpatient care is the best answer for recovery. If you have been abusing crack, call 800-430-1407Who Answers? now to find the safest, most effective rehab option for your needs.

Is Inpatient Treatment Necessary for Crack Cocaine Addiction?

Crack is one of the most dangerous, most addictive drugs available. According to the Center for Substance Abuse Research, “A person can become addicted after his or her first time trying crack cocaine.” Therefore, inpatient care is often the best choice for recovery.

Those who have been abusing crack for a long period of time struggle immensely with recovery, and it can help to attend a more intensive care program, especially in the beginning. Since inpatient programs offer 24-hour care in a controlled environment, patients can avoid any temptation to abuse the drug and stay safe in the facility. In addition, these types of programs can be very helpful to individuals suffering from co-occurring mental disorders, which many cocaine abusers do.

Cocaine withdrawal is also “as strong as other types of withdrawal or even stronger,” according to the National Library of Medicine, which can make inpatient care a safer choice. Many individuals struggle with depression, severe cravings, and other issues long after they have stopped abusing the drug, and the extra time in a controlled environment as well as a chance to practice coping mechanisms away from actual dangerous situations can be very helpful to a former crack abuser. In addition, heavy abuse can also cause psychotic symptoms for which the individual will require hospitalization.

Do I Need Inpatient Care for My Crack Cocaine Addiction?

Crack Cocaine Addiction

If you rely on crack cocaine to get through each day, you should seek inpatient care.

While this option can be very helpful to many crack users, it is important to consider if inpatient drug rehab will be the best choice for you specifically. Ask yourself the questions below to find out whether or not you may be a suitable candidate for inpatient crack cocaine addiction treatment.

  • Have you abused crack regularly and for a long period of time?
  • Do you feel that you won’t be able to live without the drug?
  • Do you experience a very high tolerance to its effects now?
  • Even with this high tolerance, do you continue to use the drug (even if you don’t experience much of an effect)?
  • Have you experienced severe withdrawal symptoms whenever you’ve attempted to stop using?
  • Do you suffer––or do you think you might suffer––from a co-occurring mental disorder like depression, schizophrenia, an anxiety disorder, etc.?
  • Are you experiencing severe psychotic symptoms as a result of your crack abuse?
  • Is your home life dangerous or otherwise not beneficial to your recovery?
  • Do you lack a strong social support group of friends and family members?
  • Do you need intensive medical care for issues either relating or not relating to your crack abuse?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, there is a strong chance that inpatient care could be beneficial to you. Consult a doctor immediately in order to ensure that you choose the right option for your needs.

Seek Treatment for Crack Abuse Today

Let us help you find the best rehab center for your specific situation. Call 800-430-1407Who Answers? now to learn more about your recovery options and put an end to your crack abuse.

Inpatient Cocaine Rehab Programs

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