Pristine Benefits of In-State Inpatient Drug Rehab
According to the University of Michigan, you may turn to inpatient drug rehab because:
- A previous attempt at outpatient care did not work.
- You can’t access an outpatient treatment facility.
- You are faced with physical or mental health issues on top of your addiction.
- Your living situation doesn’t allow you to distance yourself from drug use.
For any of these reasons, and often for more than one, many people receive the best care possible from an inpatient program.
Once you decide to seek inpatient care, you will develop a list of concerns. Among these, location is often a consideration. If your living situation is dysfunctional, do you want to remain close to it? Will your local friends and family support you during rehab or will they pull focus? Can you gather funding to seek treatment outside of your location?
In many cases, an in-state, local rehabilitation center will offer benefits that an out-of-state program cannot and they are worth considering when you make your rehab decisions. For help gathering information, deciding on types of care, and connecting to rehab centers that will make sense for you, call our helpline at 800-430-1407Who Answers?. Out experts can help you with this important decision.
You Will Feel More In-Control

Your family will be able to take part in therapy with you if you choose an in-state rehab.
Any rehab experience involves some loss of control. As so much of what you will go through involves assessing poor choices and learning to make better ones, there is a lot of emotional friction. For some people, being far away from their home life can prove to be a distraction.
It can be hard to focus on the benefits of behavioral therapy when you are worrying about your house, your family, your friends, your pets, or any of the other parts of your daily life that you feel responsible for. Being closer to home and able to get back to your house if you absolutely need to can help people relax enough to dedicate more focus to rehabilitation.
However, this closeness can also prove to be a problem if people use it to leave rehab. Just because you can get home quickly, doesn’t mean you should bail on rehab and head back to the living situation that you built around your addiction.
You May Be Able to Finance Rehab More Easily
There are a lot of rehab options. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse: “In the United States, more than 14,500 specialized drug treatment facilities provide counseling, behavioral therapy, medication, case management, and other types of services to persons with substance use disorders.”
Inpatient care can cost a lot of money and take a long time to complete. Depending upon your insurance and your funds, you may have limited rehab options that you can afford. There are a lot of state funded programs that provide excellent services and one benefit to staying closer to home is that you have access to this care without having to cover the costs yourself.
If you have insurance, there may also be restrictions regarding where you can seek inpatient care. Often, remaining local will meet the requirements of your insurance.
You Can Access Your Family and Friends
Yes, many people come from toxic families and that relationship is more likely to fuel an addiction than to support recovery. For these people, the distance provided by an out-of-state treatment center is perhaps a necessity.
For most people, however, family and friends can help to form a loving support system. Being close by means that those close to you can attend family therapy, visit when it is allowed, and attend family days at the center.
Family therapy actually plays a large role in most addiction treatment and although you will gain a lot of insight into your family dynamic, you will get the most benefit from having your family learn alongside you. Further, it is nice to have some of the more emotional family conversations with a trained mediator on hand.
If you are considering inpatient rehabilitation and you need more information and guidance in making your decisions we can help. Just give us a call at 800-430-1407Who Answers?.