How to Pick a Drug Rehab Center
If you’re looking for help to end an addiction to drugs or alcohol, choosing drug rehab can be the first step toward a new life free of substance abuse. But trying to find the right kind of help for your addiction – and your circumstances – can be confusing and overwhelming. Here’s how to pick a drug rehab center that’s right for you – and your wallet.
Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab?
Drug rehab comes in many forms, and the kind of program that gets excellent results for one person may not work at all for someone else. It’s important to find a program that fits not only your life, but your beliefs and values. One important decision to make is whether an inpatient or outpatient program is right for you.
Inpatient drug rehab programs have often been called the “gold standard” for addiction recovery, and with good reason. These residential rehab programs can range from a short 30-day stay all the way to an entire year, and they offer the full range of recovery support services. Inpatient rehabs typically include detox and withdrawal under medical supervision, along with regular counseling and group therapy sessions. Many private rehabs offer a range of additional support services, too, such as exercise or art therapy.
Inpatient programs offer people with addictions a focused, distraction free environment for working on addiction issues with the help of a specially trained staff. Once a person completes residential rehab, recovery can continue with the support of an outpatient program with no fixed end date.
Outpatient programs allow users to stay at home and keep up with family and work obligations. These programs offer individual counseling and group therapy sessions, and in many cases, medication management for people taking methadone or other kinds of drugs to stop cravings and make recovery easier. These programs may also offer detox and withdrawal support, and it’s possible to continue using the services of an outpatient program for as long as you need them.
Approaches to Rehab and Recovery

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Although both inpatient and outpatient drug rehab programs typically include standard treatment approaches to detox and recovery, they may do so from very different perspectives – and these perspectives may not be a fit for every user.
Many inpatient and outpatient addiction recovery programs operate on some form of the “twelve step” program that began with Alcoholics Anonymous, and many people benefit from this approach. But for some, the spiritual aspects of the twelve-step model may not appeal, so variants for atheists and other philosophies are now available too.
Drug rehab programs can take a broad treatment approach that addresses the issues related to many different kinds of substances, or focus on just one. You may find that a general substance abuse program offers the help you need. Or you may benefit more from a program that’s dedicated specifically to a particular kind of substance, such as alcohol or opioids.
A key component of both inpatient and outpatient drug rehabs is counseling, but counseling approaches can differ too. In order to get the full benefit of the services offered, you may want to research the types of counseling and therapy offered by a program you’re considering.
Financial Considerations
Drug rehab options range from spa-like luxury inpatient programs to free, state funded inpatient and outpatient services, with other affordable options in between. Private inpatient rehabs can cost over $10,000 for a basic 30-day stay, but many offer sliding fee scales and payment plans. And both inpatient and outpatient programs typically accept insurance plans as well as Medicare.
For those with severe financial constraints, free state and federally funded inpatient and outpatient programs are available in every state to anyone who qualifies. These programs typically offer standard rehab services, but without the amenities of a private rehab. Some nonprofit organizations may also offer outpatient rehab services such as groups or counseling on a no, or low, fee basis.
Choosing drug rehab is the first step toward recovery. And knowing how to pick a drug rehab that’s right for you can make it easier to start the journey to a drug free life.
Are you looking for a way out of addiction – but don’t know where to start? We’re here to help. Call us at 800-430-1407Who Answers? for the solution you need right now.
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