What is the Environment in a Rehab Center Really Like?
When you are ready to go to rehab, one thing that might cause you curiosity is the treatment environment, especially if you intend to participate in a residential treatment program, which requires you to live onsite. It’s completely natural to wonder about the place you will call home for weeks or months.
It is important to find the right environment for your needs because the better it fits you, the more likely you are to complete the treatment. Studies show that longer retention in a program is linked to higher rates of abstinence after treatment.
Treatment actually varies a good deal and the type of treatment that you attend will factor into the rehab environment that you find yourself in. The following discussion will cover some of the more popular rehab models and discuss their environments. This should give you more confidence moving forward with your decision.
If you still need a little bit of help locating a rehab center or have additional questions about rehab environments, give us a call at 800-430-1407Who Answers?. Our experts have the answers to your questions and they are waiting to give them to you.
Outpatient Care

Luxury and executive rehabs have exercise facilities onsite.
Sometimes outpatient care is called “ambulatory,” meaning that you have permission to come and go as you please. Ambulatory care may go through a doctor’s office, a home health care agency, a specialty clinic, or a rehab center.
You shouldn’t assume that outpatient programs are less effective than inpatient ones. A study in American Psychologist explains that there is no “overall advantage” for inpatient rather than outpatient programs. The best program will be the one that best fits your needs.
If you attend care that requires day hospitalization, you should be prepared for a hospital environment. You will continue sleeping in your home and living there, but you will also spend the majority of your day in a hospital setting, where you will have access to:
- Group counseling
- Medication prescription and management
- Educational sessions
- Support group meetings
- One-on-one counseling
Programs like this are usually reserved for severe cases.
An intensive outpatient program requires less of your time and takes place in a rehab or outpatient facility, rather than a hospital. This environment will include a lot of spaces (usually offices) that function as spaces for both group and individual meeting sessions. The environments for these programs are similar to those you would find at a behavioral health center. Low impact, outpatient care also takes place in a similar environment.
Short-term Inpatient Treatment
Most people think of the typical 28-30 day stay when they think of residential treatment because that is one of the most popular options. During your treatment, you will be required to remain in the treatment facility and to participate in a formal, structured rehab process under the care of a trained staff.
The environment will mirror a college dormitory setting. There will be designated living quarters (you may share this room with others), and spaces for therapy, support group meetings, and classes. There will also be a cafeteria.
These environments tend to be bare bones and to place function over form. Don’t expect more than a simple bed and dresser in your room. The emphasis is on the treatment and not on the treatment center.
Acute Care Inpatient Rehab
If you have a truly severe addiction that poses risks to your mental or physical health, you may be placed in a psychiatric hospital inpatient center for rehab. This environment will be extremely clinical, as you will be in a hospital.
Luxury Inpatient Rehab
For patients who desire more amenities and ambiance during their rehab, luxury treatment centers are a possible solution. These care settings emphasize design and place great stock in the environment they offer. Patients can expect to feel like they are vacationing at a top resort.
Rooms are private and generally include maid and laundry service. The linens in both the bed and bathroom are lavish. And, the furniture will all be of the best quality as well as a perfect addition to the space.
The rehab center will also be placed in a beautiful natural setting, like the mountains, a lush golf course, or the beach. This allows patients to participate in physical activity on the grounds.
Executive Inpatient Rehab
Bust professionals who don’t have the luxury of spending weeks or months cut-off from their jobs have the option of executive rehab. The environment of these centers is very similar to that of luxury rehabs. Patients can expect:
- Comfortable furnishings
- Private rooms
- Exercise facilities
- Outdoor recreational areas
- Healthy, catered meals
- Laundry service
- Maid service
However, unlike luxury care, executive rehab also provides private conference rooms and access to computers. Patients should be able to carry on their work while they participate in the treatment process.
To learn more about the facilities, you are considering, you may think about taking a tour.We can help you to set-up a tour or help you to finalize your treatment decisions. To learn more about treatment environments and treatment in general, call 800-430-1407Who Answers?.